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The territory is unique in its cultural diversities. Very strong are the Garifuna, Q'echi and Latin traditions, which coexist day after day with a myriad of tourists and immigrants, each with their own language and their own way of getting on in the world.  


Likewise, we perceive the library-playroom as a space where different ways of expression, learning, play and creation coexist, each with its own magic and its own art.

¿qué hacemos?

The context

    Livingston is considered an island within the continent. You can only reach it by boat from the Caribbean Sea, which has implied a high degree of isolation from the rest of Guatemala. 

   This is a territory ussually left out from programs and public policies in favor of socio-economic developement.

   Cultural diversity with a strong identitary component, the large number of floating population driven by tourism and an growing rate of emigration, are factors that influence the low presence of communitary organization that could allow to face the difficulties that isolation imposes.

    This is how areas that in another contexts are considered fundamental to the government work, such as childhood and education, in Livingston become marginal concerns. There is not any institution present in the territory, with resolutive capacity in these issues.





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